our mission
Pimp your water
I came into contact with the idea of turning tap water into tasty lemonade with natural flavors at an early age. Even as a child, my mother would add ginger, apple or lemon to her drinking water to save money. Instead of over-sugared lemonade, we had pimped tap water. The older I got, the more I was out and about and resorted to drinks from PET bottles. Over time, this type of consumption bothered me more and more - the drinks were full of sugar and chemical additives, and the logistical effort and CO2 emissions were immense. I started drinking more and more pimped-up tap water again, just like when I was a child. When I realized over time that this type of drink not only tasted good to me, but also to my guests, it was clear to me that I wanted to make this idea suitable for a lifestyle and founded dropz.